Pictures from my family’s visit!
Second, a BIG shout out to Ms. King’s 6th graders in the Bay Area! I received your letters yesterday and am going to share them with my students this week. They will be thrilled. Thank you so much!
Life has been good lately. My family came to visit right after Christmas, and we had a great time together. We got hassled in the markets, biked out to the waterfalls in Banfora, and were celebrities in village. Though we differed on temperature comfort levels (I was freezing in the mornings and during our afternoon dips in the pool; they were unpleasantly hot in the mid-afternoon), I think they had a good time. In village we got to visit my school and told my students all about life in America. In return, students and other friends were at my house at just about every day-lit moment to talk with my family. They took us on a tour of the pottery making boutiques, showed us around the elementary schools, and even gave us front row seats during my village’s New Years celebration. They were incredibly kind and generous, sharing food and souvenirs with my family. Though the latrines and bucket baths took a little getting used to, I think they secretely loved village. My students tried their hardest to convince Nick to replace me when my time is up. We’ll see…
School has been going well this trimester. Mornings are so cold (OK, 72 degrees) that students come in bundled under three or four shirts and complain when I tell them to open the windows or door so that they can see the blackboard. (I must admit I shiver a little too; my last full Minnesota winter seems a long time ago.) Lately, though, the heat has returned, and by the time the afternoon class rolls around, students are passing water bottles around to try to stay cool (temperatures over 100 degrees). And we’re not yet to the hot season. Our school soccer season has started, and my class of 7th graders almost beat the ninth graders a couple of weeks ago. It looks like we’re going to have a great team this year!
I’m in Ouaga this weekend for a softball tournament with the American Embassy. We’ve had two games so far…and played well both times! Haha. It’s been a lot of fun, though I must say it’s been weird being around so many Americans the past two days.
I’ve got to run, but I should be at a computer again soon. Happy New Year to all!